Monday, February 07, 2011

Motivational cards - Wayne Dyer & Louise Hay

EN. Have you heard of Wayne Dyer? If you did and read his books, then I don’t have to say something else….if you haven’t read his books yet…..PLEASE DO! He will change your life, cause he changed actually his life…and throw the power of his example, you won’t remain the same….even if you want to. Smile  These cards that I made were made because of the influence that he had in my life, and I have printed them and use them anytime I need something to lift me up. I have sent Wayne also a set….and the set can also be bought printed in whatever size you may need….pocket size, postcard size or large print size. The large print size can also be bought without the text if you want it just as a painting….. So 90% of theses motivational cards have Wayne Dyer’s quotes(maybe he was quoting others sometimes) and 10% have Louise Hay’s quotes….which is also one of the very top influential people I know. She is 84 years old and she started her publishing company(HAYHOUSE) at 61…and now she is the CEO of the largest publishing company at this age. ….and not that she has this age…but the way she is living her life at this age she dances every day,she growns her own vegetable, she even made a movie in 2009. She helped thousands of people with aids….and not only aids. Also I want to recommend to you Wayne Dyer’s movie “The Shift”……will definitely help you make your own shift.
RO. Ati auzit de Wayne Dyer? Daca raspunsul vostru este “da”, atunci nu mai e nevoie sa adaug altceva….dar daca nu i-ati citit inca cartile….VA ROG S-O FACETI!. Va va schimba viata, pentru ca el si-a schimbat viata in intregime….si prin puterea exemplului, nu veti ramane la fel…..chiar daca ati dori-o. Smile Aceste carti pe care le-am realizat au fost facute datorita influentei pe care a avut-o el in viata mea, asa ca mi le-am printat si le-am folosit de cate ori aveam sau am nevoie de o incurajare, de o ridicare de pe fundul prapastiei. I-am expediat un set si lui Wayne…..setul de carti poate fi tiparit in orice marime aveti nevoie: de buzunar, marimea tip vedere, sau de marime mare (A4/A3). Marimea mare poate de asemenea sa fie cumparata si fara text, daca o doriti doar pentru tablou. …….90% din aceste carti motivationale contin citatele lui Wayne Dyer(uneori poate ii cita si el pe altii) si 10% sunt citatele lui Louise Hay….care este de asemenea una din cele mai influente persoane pe care o cunosc. Are 84 de ani si si-a construit editura Hay House la 61 de ani ….si acum este Director Executiv la cea mai mare editura din lume la aceasta varsta….dar nu doar varsta care o are e importanta ci modul cum isi traieste viata la aceasta varsta, dansand, cultivandu-si singura legumele, …a realizat in 2009 si un film…si-a petrecut viata ajutand mii de persoane bolnave de sida….dar si cancer…sau alte boli. De asemenea as vrea sa va recomand filmul lui Wayne Dyer “ Shimbarea”… va va ajuta cu siguranta sa o realizati.
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