Saturday, July 09, 2011

Antonia Maria / Fotografie de botez, Cluj *** Antonia Maria / Baptize photography, Cluj

EN: I guess you all remember Antonia, that sweet little angel that was in front of my lens since she was 6 days old (You can see the photos from that day :HERE  )….she’s a big girl now….2 month old…..and I guess she recognized my camera cause she kept looking at it. This day was her special day, the day when she met God , and not that she didn’t cry , but she kept smiling…and sleeping sometimes Smile

RO: Cred ca va amintiti cu totii de Antonia, acel mic ingeras care s-a aflat in fata lentilelor mele de la 6 zile (Puteti vedea pozele din acea zi : AICI ) ….acum a crescut deja….are 2 luni….dar cred ca mi-a recunoscut aparatul ca se uita fix la el de cum l-a vazut….. Aceasta zi a fost una foarte speciala pentru ea, intalnirea cu Dzeu, si nu doar ca nu a plans, ci chiar continua sa rada….si sa mai si doarma din cand in cand Smile


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