Monday, October 10, 2011

Expectations ….. Asteptari

EN: It is said that if you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans…….and I guess He did laugh a lot this weekend…..cause I had so many plans and expectations about how things are supposed to turned out, and was hard even for HIM to keep up with everything….But let’s start with the beginning…..

Some facts about what I am talking about…… Time: Friday to Sunday ; Place: Bucovina, International Film and Photography Festival, (Autumn in Voronet) 31st edition….maybe the last…


  • Perfect October day, awesome fall color trees, the camera perfect set, mood for sunsets hunting in Bucovina…. BUT….there is a BUT…… the bus that was supposed to go from Gura Humorului to the beautiful forest decided to go 50 minutes earlier than planned….of course because of that same perfect autumn day…….yak ….my first set of expectations…..flew right through the window …
  • The 4 star hotel that was supposed to be like every year….was full because another event….so at least 2 stars were lost on the way…..
  • Because of the same reason we lost the projection conference room, which was very cozy….and we received a polar room….which gave everybody the best mood possible….
  • Due to some twilight zone misunderstanding facts….the jury failed to watch my first part of the slideshow, and because of that they lost actually the story behind, not being able to get really into it….so 50% lost from the start.

What was better than expected:

I went into people photography because I like observing people…..interacting sometimes but mostly hiding behind my lens and observing their soul…..and I am doing that with or without a camera in my hands….and this is what I saw this time…..this time on writing ….not on camera, as you are used on this blog….Smile:

I wanna start with Vera Romaniuc, the superwoman behind this festival, …. if I was in the jury I would have given that Bronze Trophy  Statue to her…..cause her work was not appreciated as it should have been. Not just that she put all her time and energy into this festival, but she also put her heart there…all for us , for making us feel great, so many unsleeping nights, so much work….a woman with a golden heart….and sorry I was wrong it shouldn’t have been the Bronze Statue, should have been the Golden Statue…..

Next on my list is Natasa, my dear 84 years old friend from Brasov, the most energetic person I met …., a simple woman who has glow in her eyes and energy to climb every mountain out there….she dances every often as she can….she really gave sense to the saying: “ Life it’s not about avoiding all the storms, it about learning to dance in the rain” ….she has a teenage joy (she was telling me about her boyfriend and how they met on the dance floor 2 –3 years ago) , a child purest soul (you can see that in her eyes),  true wisdom built inside of how to live a joyous life, a Mother Theresa dedication for helping the people who surround her, an independent brave person….with  a elephant memory….you are lucky if you meet her, you can’t remain the same. I asked her  what is the secret of her immense energy that she has at her age….and she said, and truly believed it…..”I’m eating nuts and honey everyday”….such a humble heart, she doesn’t even realize that her good and genuine simple heart is the one that gives her the real energy.

Eugen, met him also 5  years ago, like the rest of the gang….but didn’t had a chance to talk much with him…I mean really talk, until an hour before I left home, but in that hour I was able to see his real heart, … he was the one who brought at that moment some light into my darkness….and showed me a path, and I thank him for that….and like he said ….we all went there not for winning…..but for enjoying our time together.

George, Romanian high school teacher, recently film maker and photographer,…. a man with a beautiful soul who know how to support the ones that are next to him and need him….and his multiple jobs are a good platform for making it possible.

Anda & Bianca, two enthusiastic young students with whom I have spent some time chatting about dreams and hopes, illusions and disillusions, traveling into the unknown….past & future….but mostly enjoying that present moment….

Peter & Pam, an English couple, with whom I’ve met accidently, lovers of art, which was their reason for being in Romania, especially in that part of Romania, so friendly that they have invited me for a visit in England, so never know I might end up at their door….someday….

The Jury ….. YES, I am glad that I met them, partially at least,haven’t had a chance to talk to all of them. It’s not about what you do in life, it’s about who you are…..and I guess that’s why I didn’t care much about their activity, I cared more to see their soul….who they are, or who would they be if they would loose their professional identity.

Stere Gulea, film director - I heard only nice words about his art making, haven’t had a chance to talk to him, to see him as a person; Catalin Apostol, TVR producer and film director – haven’t talk to him, but seemed like a nice person, Mihai Orasanu - film producer and sound designer – him I got to talk…for a bit, I would have liked to talk more ….a man of character with a big heart….and Zamfira Nastasache – Univeristy Hyperion film assistant –we talked briefly, I wished I had met the real person, the one that was behind the professional person….I felt like she was hiding herself behind a wall that was built for protection, and so many great opportunities can be lost that are brought up by opening up to the uncertainty and unknown…so I guess I would have liked to go out for a coffee (ok, ok….I know I don’t drink coffee….still water,ok?)…to talk to her more… other circumstances than the ones that were supposed to be there.

So what can I say as a conclusion of this strange weekend? Things were totally different than in my mind, I haven’t receive the biggest prize, but I have received a better insight on how to live without expectation, how to live more simple and more joyous and how to savor the present moment ……. this can be more rewarding than any prize…. If things weren’t like they were  I wouldn’t have had some deeper and profound talks …and even this article would have never existed….the lemons received never would have turned out into a delicious lemonade …… thanks God for laughing at me….and messing up with my brilliant plans….but please don’t do it again !!!!!…cause they are nice plans….good for me SmileSmileSmile

I will end up this weekend journey thru life with an image, that I’ve taken in Himalya, Nepal from the slide show presentation at this festival is the best in this context.Smile



RO: Se spune ca daca vrei sa-l faci pe Dzeu sa rada, spune-I planurile tale….si cred ca weekendul asta chiar s-a amuzat serios…..pentru ca aveam atatea planuri si asteptari de cum ar trebui sa fie lucrurile, incat si pentru El era greu sa faca fata la atatea ….Dar sa incepem cu inceputul……

Cateva date tehnice ca sa intelegeti despre ce vorbesc….de vineri pana duminica, Festivalul International de Film si Diaporama , Toamna la Voronet, editia XXXI, ….poate ultima.


  • Era o zi perfecta de Octombrie, culori extraordinare ale toamnei, camera foto perfect pregatita de atac, stare buna de a pleca la drum la vanatoare de apusuri de soare bucovinene…DAR….exista un DAR……autobuzul care trebuia sa plece din Gura Humorului spre frumoasa padure multicolora….a decis sa plece cu 50 minute mai devreme…..auch auch auch…….primul meu set de asteptari tocmai le-am privit cum zburau pe fereastra…..
  • Hotelul nostru de 4 stele, cu care ne obisnuisem an de an….era plin din cauza altui eveniment,….asa ca cel putin 2 stele s-au pierdut din iluzie pe traseu….
  • Din acelasi motiv, am pierdut si sala de proiectie pentru filme si diaporama, care era asa de primitoare….si am primit una adusa parca din inima Siberiei…care a indus o atmosfera pur siberiana tuturor celor prezenti…..
  • in urma unor neintelegeri din zona crepusculara…..juriul a pierdut prima parte a slide showului meu, si din cauze asta au pierdut povestea din spate,neputand intra in starea ei…asa ca 50% s-au dus din start…..

Ce a fost peste asteptari:

Am inceput fotografia umana pentru ca imi place sa observ oamenii….sa interactionez uneori, dar de cele mai multe ori sa ma ascund in spatele lentilei si sa le observ sufletul… fac asta cu sau fara o camera in mana….si iata ce am vazut de aceasta data…..acum in scris , nu in imagini cum v-ati obisnuit pe acest blog…. Smile:

Vreau sa incep cu Vera Romaniuc, superfemeia din spatele acestui festival,…..daca as fi fost in juriu, ei i-ar fi revenit  marele trofeu de bronz …..pentru ca munca ei nu a fost apreciata suficient…asa cum ar fi trebuit sa fie. Nu doar ca si-a pus la dispozitie tot timpul si energia ei pentru a face sa curga apa din piatra seaca, dar si-a pus acolo si inima….atatea nopti nedormite, atata munca …..totul pentru ca noi toti sa ne simtim excelent….o femeie cu o inima de aur… da am gresit….…recunosc….nu trebuia sa primeasca statueta de bronz ci cea de aur…..

Urmatoarea pe lista mea este Natasa, prietena mea draga de 84 de ani din Brasov, cea mai energica persoana pe care am cunoscut-o …., o femeie simpla la care ii stralucesc ochii de cat de curati si limpezi sunt si cu o energie cat zece alpinisti la un loc, ea urcand in fiecare an de cateva ori Retezatul sau Fagarasul……danseaza oricat de des poate….ea a stiut sa dea sens expresiei: “ Viata nu inseamna sa eviti toate furtunile, ci doar sa inveti sa dansezi in ploaie”…..ea are bucuria si naturaletea unei adolescente (imi povestea de prietenul ei, de povestea lor de iubire si cum l-a cunoscut pe ringul de dans cu 2-3 ani in urma), sufletul pur al unui copil (se poate citi asta in ochii ei), intelepciunea adevarata de cum sa traiesti o viata implinita, dedicarea Lui Maica Tereza pentru a-i ajuta pe cei ce o inconjoara, o inima curajoasa si independenta …… memoria unui elefant……sunteti norocosi daca o intalniti si nu mai puteti ramane aceeasi, Am rugat-o sa-mi impartaseasca secretul tineretii ei… mi-a raspuns, crezand din toata inima ce spunea “Mananc nuci si miere in fiecare zi”….o asa persoana umila, nici macar nu realizeaza ca inima ei buna si naturala e cea care ii da atata energie.

Eugen, pe care l-am cunoscut tot acum 5 ani, ca pe intreaga gasca…..dar nu am avut ocazia sa povestesc foarte mult… refer la a povesti cu adevarat, pana cu o ora inainte de a pleca acasa, dar a fost suficient sa-i vad sufletul…..el a fost cel care a reusit sa aduca o lumina in intunericul meu….si mi-a aratat o carare…..pentru care ii multumesc….si asa cum spunea si el……noi nu am mers acolo pentru a castiga….ci pentru a ne bucura unii de compania altora.

George, profesor de limba romana,  mai recent cameraman si fotograf…..un om cu un suflet mare, care stie sa sustina si sa-i sprijine pe cei din jur la nevoie, iar multiplele lui job-uri fiind platmorma ideala pentru asta.

Anda & Bianca, doua tinere pline de energie si de elanul studentiei, cu care mi-am petrecut o buna bucata de timp povestind despre vise si sperante, iluzii si deziluzii, calatorii in necunoscut,…..trecut si viitor….dar cel mai mult bucurandu-ne de momentul prezent….degerand impreuna in Siberia Smile

Peter & Pam, un cuplu englez, pe care i-am intalnit din intamplare, iubitori de arta, motiv pentru care se si aflau in Romania, mai ales in acea parte a Romaniei, atat de prietenosi incat m-au invitat chiar in Anglia ….asa ca nu se stie…..s-ar putea sa si ajung la usa lor intr-o buna zi….

Juriul….. DA, ma bucur ca i-am cunoscut…asa si partial macar…. In viata nu conteaza ce faci, cine esti din punct de vedere profesional, conteaza doar cine esti ca om…..asa ca de aceea nu conta pentru mine prea mult cariera lor, cine erau ei pe scara sociala ….ci sufletul lor…..cine ar fi ei daca si-ar pierde identitatea profesionala.

Stere Gulea, rezizor,filmolog –am auzit doar cuvinte frumoase despre el ca artist, dar nu am avut ocazia sa-l cunosc  inca ca om ; Catalin Apostol,  realizator emisiuni TVR, regizor - nu am avut ocazia sa povestesc cu el; Mihai Orasanu – producator film, inginer sunet– cu el am apucat sa schimb cateva idei, chiar mi-ar fi placut sa pot povesti mai mult……un om de caracter si cu simtul umorului si Zamfira Nastasache – asistent la Universitatea Hyperion – am vorbit destul de scurt, as fi preferat sa cunosc adevarata persoana, cea din spatele persoanei profesionale……simteam  ca o parte din ea se ascundea in spatele unui zid, construit probabil pentru protectie, ….desi o multime de oportunitati sunt aduse de deschiderea inspre necunoscut si nesigur…… cred ca chiar mi-ar fi placut sa stam de vorba la o cafea (ok, ok….stiu ca nu beau cafea….apa plata, e bine?) in alte circumstante decat cele impuse de situatia concursului de acolo…..

Asa ca ce as putea spune in concluzie? Lucrurile au fost total altfel decat in mintea mea, nu am castigat premiul cel mai mare, dar am castigat mult mai mult,  cum sa-ti traiesti viata fara asteptari, cum poate simplitatea sa-ti aduca cele mai frumoase trairi, cum prezentul devine achizitia cea mai importanta….si asta valoreaza mult mai mult decat orice alt premiu….Asa ca daca lucrurile nu s-ar fi desfasurat asa cum  s-au desfasurat….nu ar fi existat anumite discutii mai profunde….acest articol nu ar fi existat……lamaile primite nu s-ar fi transformat niciodata in limonada…..asa ca multumesc Doamne ca ai ras de mine….si ca mi-ai dat toate planurile peste cap…..dar Te rog sa n-o mai faci!!!!!!!… sunt planuri dragute……numai potrivite pentru mine SmileSmileSmile

Dar pentru a incheia in context fotografic, calatoria din acest weekend prin viata, imaginea aceasta pe care am facut-o in Himalaya,Nepal din diaporama prezentata la festival, se potriveste cel mai bine in acest context.Smile
